Packers And Movers

Important Tips To Ensure Safe, Smooth And Hygienic Move During Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 has put a halt on the normal activities of everyday life in many countries across the globe and India is one of them. So, what to do when your moving plans coincide with this pandemic? Cancel or postpone the move, isn’t that simple. Moving during the pandemic is still a reality for thousands of people across the country because of many reasons. Such people can still gain the benefits of hiring professional packers and movers during the crisis.

Amid the lockdown, the states and cities across the country have permitted only the movement of essential goods and moving is also generally considered essential and packers and movers Vadodara and other many are currently operating in all states.

If you are the one who doesn’t have the flexibility in your moving date, follow the below-mentioned tips to move safely and hygienically during this pandemic.

  • Go for virtual estimates!

Do your homework on researching the movers and packers in Vadodara Gujarat who are still operating in your area and offer virtual estimates. Talk to them over the phone. Ask about their sanitation measures during the moving procedure.

Do not hire them if their workers don’t have necessary supplies such as sanitizers, masks and gloves. Also, ask them, how often do they sanitize their trucks, tools and vehicles. It is also important to check the moving company’s online portal to view their COVID-19 policy. If you have any doubts and queries regarding this policy, ask them directly. Traditionally, truck movers or trucking companies visit your place to provide a quote, but with social distancing restrictions, a virtual quotation has been considered. During such circumstances, a completely contactless moving service will be your best step to move safely.

  • Plan and pack your stuff in advance!

During the pandemic, the safest and convenient option to handle your move is to do packing and unpacking of your things on your own. It might be tiring for you, but recommended in such a situation. You can safely handle and disinfect each of your belongings. By doing so, you can have peace of mind as movers touching to more surfaces will be restricted and there will be no chances of spread of the virus or any germs.

If you don’t have an idea of the number of cartons you’ll need to pack your stuff, you can use the packing calculators available online. Top online movers and packers offer packing calculator facilities on their websites. Based on the number of rooms and people in your house, you can get the estimate. This will help you to avoid running to the store in case you fall short on cartons. Buying extra will anyways be better to avoid last-minute chaos.

  • Don’t use old boxes for packing!

Studies revealed that the coronavirus can stay on the cardboard surface for up to 24 hours. So, if you use old boxes, it may have several implications for your move. When the situation was normal, collecting free boxes from liquor or grocery stores for moving was considered cost-effective, but right now, it may increase the risk of your exposure to virus.

  • Seal the boxes properly!

When you are doing the packing yourself, it is important to be organized and make sure that every item should be kept into a box. You need to seal all boxes with high-quality packing tape rather than leaving gaps in the carton flaps.

  • No last-minute shuffling!

Try to sort the items you need to pack and things which you can leave behind in advance because last-minute shuffling can make you end up just throwing stuff in boxes on moving day. Find reliable packers and movers Bangalore that will just pick and move the furniture and boxes which are already packed.

  • Unpacking of boxes!

Before unpacking the boxes leave them for at least 24 hours. You can also sanitize them if you have any such provision. You can start opening the boxes only after they are sanitized or it’s been a complete day the boxes are kept isolated. Packers and Movers Vadodara suggests that you should pack your most urgent and necessary items in a separate box with marking on it. You can sanitize at least this box immediately once you’ve reached your new place so you can access things you need.

Apart from the above-mentioned tips, you need to be extra careful about a few things such as-

  • Wipe down major touch surfaces of the truck or van you are going to rent out. You can ask the truck movers to sanitize door handles, seat belts, keys, stereo, and armrests before use.
  • Everyone involved in the move should wear a proper face mask on at all times.

Try not to use the tips to negotiate smartly with packers and movers companies during this time because they are highly needed in the current situation, rather you should be happy if they are using all safety measures during the move.